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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Nobody told me the soup had snails in it, so I ate it.
I wouldn't have eaten the soup if somebody had told me it had snails in it.
My train was late. They were working on the line.
My train wouldn't have been late if they hadn't been working on the line.
I failed my driving test because I drove too fast.
If I hadn't driven too fast, I wouldn't have failed my driving test.
Not many people went to his party because it was on Monday.
More people would have gone to his party if it hadn't been on Monday.
I forgave my brother because he apologised.
I wouldn't have forgiven my brother if he hadn't apologised.
I was on time because I ran to work.
If I hadn't run to work, I wouldn't have been on time.
It wasn't raining so we went to the beach.
We wouldn't have gone to the beach if it had been raining.
I jumped from a high branch and broke my leg.
If I hadn't jumped from a high branch, I wouldn't have broken my leg.
I went to that new club last night. It was boring.
I wouldn't have gone to that new club last night if I had known it was boring.
You didn't tell me you were coming so I didn't cook a meal.
I would have cooked a meal if you had told me you were coming.
We lost the game. Our best player was injured.
If our best player hadn't been injured, we wouldn't have lost the game.
They didn't buy the house. They didn't have enough money.
They would have bought the house if they had had enough money.
I didn't get the job. I wasn't qualified.
If I had been qualified, I would have got the job.
She felt ill so she didn't come to the concert.
She would have come to the concert if she hadn't felt ill.
Maya was late for the meeting. Her car broke down.
If Maya's car hadn't broken down, she wouldn't have been late for the meeting.