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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Life in Kyoto moves more slowly than life in Tokyo.
In fact, the skycrapers in Tokyo are some of the tallest buildings in the world.
Tokyo are a very modern city with many tall buildings.
Tokyo IS a very modern city with many tall buildings.
In many people's opinions, the best place to visit in Japan is Tokyo and Kyoto.
In many people's opinions, the best place to visit in Japan ARE Tokyo and Kyoto.
One reason many people want to visit Asia is to see Japan.
Everyone with five correct anwers get a passing grade.
Everyone with five correct anwers GETS a passing grade.
Laughing with friends is a healthy way to spend time.
Each player on both teams need the ability to run very fast.
Each player on both teams NEEDS the ability to run very fast.
There are many interesting things to do in San Francisco.
The three baby elephants at the zoo weighs just under 300 pounds.
The three baby elephants at the zoo WEIGH just under 300 pounds.
According to the new rules, a pilot and a copilot flies this type of large plane.
According to the new rules, a pilot and a copilot FLY this type of large plane.
Earth revolves around the sun.
The trees behind the new high school is very tall.
The trees behind the new high school ARE very tall.
Everybody prefers to live near the ocean because it is less dry.
The main method of transportation in these five islands are the public bus system
The main method of transportation in these five islands IS the public bus system