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Phrasal Verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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at / the / He / not / fireworks / did / set / off / the / festival.
He did not set off the fireworks at the festival.
candles / up / He / the / light / night. / not / did / at
He did not light up the candles at night.
not / I / the / up / did / event. / for / dress
I did not dress up for the event.
dress / for / wedding? / she / Did / the / up
Did she dress up for the wedding?
my / did / Christmas. / I / this / with / hang / out / not / family
I did not hang out with my family this Christmas.
they / the / candles? / up / Did / light
Did they light up the candles?
they / year's / Did / fireworks / new / at / off / eve? / the / set
Did they set off the fireworks at new year's eve?
hang / weekend? / Did / this / out / with / she / family / her
Did she hang out with her family this weekend?
They / the / setting / are / off / fireworks.
They are setting off the fireworks.
the / candle. / She / is / up / lighting
She is lighting up the candle.
out / my / family. / hung / I / with
I hung out with my family.
in / traditional / clothes. / up / He / dressed
He dressed up in traditional clothes.