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Climate Change

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What are GHG?
Gases that have the property of absorbing infrared radiation (net heat energy) emitted from Earth's surface and reradiating it back to Earth's surface
What other factors also affect global temperatures?
The Milankovitch cycles in the Earth’s orbit and variation in sunspot activity
Why did scientists choose glaciers to prove their hypothesis about climate change & the concentration of CO2?
Ice builds up over thousands of years → ice from deeper down is older than ice near the surface, therefore they could observe CO2 ratios from years ago
Name the 2 main GHG.
CO2 & Water Vapour
How did scientists prove their hypothesis regarding climate change?
They did an expedition to Antarctica. Here, they extracted and analyzed trapped air bubbles from glaciers to observe C02 ratios.
How is water vapour removed from the atmosphere (by nature)?
When it rains or snows
What process removes CO2 from the atmosphere? What is the recent problem humans are having with such process?
Photosynthesis. Deforestation is resulting in the reduction of CO2 removal, which causes a bigger concentration of such.
Mention the name of 2 electromagnetic waves the sun emits to earth
Either: Visible light, ultraviolet light, infrared, radio waves, X-rays, and gamma rays
What fossil fuel was mined and burned during the 18th century?
What did scientists discover after their glacier investigation?
Periods of higher CO2 concentrations coincide with periods when the Earth was warmer.
On which continent did scientists conduct an experiment to prove their climate change hypothesis?
Name 2 consequences of climate change (apart from rising temperatures)
Either: Rainfalls, Tropical storms & Hurricanes, Rising sea levels, Melting glaciers, or Warmer oceans
Name the process that maintains earth at a stable & warm temperature
The Greenhouse Effect