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Super hero Learning
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You get frightened and are uncomfortable at school what can you do?
Good ideas!!
Who can you get help from?
Wow there are so many people we can get help from!!
You are feeling uncomfortable and anxious, what strategies can you use?
Let's practice some together!!
You are feeling sad and upset what strategies can you use?
Good plan!!
You see a friend and they are all alone what can you say and do?
Great idea!!!
What super thing can you say to someone if they make you angry??
I bet that will help them!!!
What is your super power? Tell us something that makes you special!!!!
You are Awesome!!!
Super girl is patient- What are some things you can do while you are waiting?
Great ideas!!
Aquaman is fair- If you lost a game what could you say to the other person?
That sounds good.
When you are feeling stressed getting some exercise is good for our body. Let's run on the spot for one minute!
Phew good job, how does your body feel now.
Stand in super hero pose and tell me something awesome about you!!
I am so proud!!!!
Great way to calm our bodies is to do roller coaster breathing. Lets do it together
Great job makes us feel amazing right!!
Wonder Woman Perseveres- Tell us one skill you have worked hard to learn at school?
Wonderful work!!!
Wondr Woman Perseveres- What have you worked hard to learn at home.
You are awesome!!!
Green Lantern is responsible- Tell me three ways you show responsibility at school?
Wow!!! Together we make this school amazing!!
Green Lantern is responsible- Tell me three responsibilities you can have at home?
Great I bet you feel good for being such a good helper!!
Superman cooperates- Tell me two ways you cooperate with your fiends at recess?
Friends love to have fun together!!
Superman cooperates- Tell me two ways you cooperate while learning in school?
Work hard play hard!!!
Aquaman is Fair- Tell me two ways you can play fair with your friends?
Great ideas!!!
Super Girl is Patient- Tell me two ways you can show you are patient and wait nicely?
Great waiting!!!