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GMF 12.05

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I found a wallet on the bus.(utwórz przeczenie)
I didn't find a wallet on the bus.
I had a shower before breakfast yesterday.(UTWÓRZ PRZECZENIE)
I didn't have a shower before breakfast yesterday.
I heard about the accident last Monday. (utwórz przeczenie)
I didn't hear about accident last Monday.
We (take) lots of great photos during my last trip.
We took lots of great photos during my last trip.
Mr Smith (fly) to New York on business last week.
Mr Smith flew to New York on business last week.
I was really scared when the lift suddenly (stop) between two floors.
I was really scared when the lift suddenly stopped between two floors.
I (like) the film a lot yesterday.
I liked the film a lot yesterday.
I (want)to buy some apples, but the shop was closed.
I wanted to buy some apples, but the shop was closed.
We (watch)some fireworks last night.
We watched some fireworks last night.
We(dance) around the maypole last night.
We danced around the maypole last night.
We(go) to a concert yesterday.
We went to a concert yesterday.
She(ride) on the ghost train in the afternoon.
She rode on the ghost train in the afternoon.