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FOP: Labor Productivity

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Overseas doctors who want to practice in HK need to take a licensing exam. If this licensing exam is cancelled, how is labor mobility affected?
Both occupational + geographical mobility increases
GP teachers revealed in a survey that the arrival of Mr. Yannick has increased happiness in the community. How has the arrival of Mr. Yannick affect teachers' labor mobility?
Occupational mobility decreased since there's higher job satisfaction
The housing benefits for workers in their current jobs are cancelled. Explain which type and how this affects labor mobility.
Occupational mobility affected - mobility increases since benefits are gone.
Why might investment bankers have a low occupational mobility?
Investment bankers have a high opportunity cost of changing jobs!
Lawyers / accountants / electrical technicians / fresh university graduates - who has the greatest occupational mobility?
Fresh university graduates
"An economy relaxes its immigration and emigration regulations." This will affect occupational / geographical mobility.
Occupational mobility
"Some industries relax their licensing requirements." This will affect occupational / geographical mobility.
Occupational mobility
"Transport expenses greatly increase." This will affect occupational / geographical mobility.
Geographical mobility
The (occupational/geographical) mobility of labour will (increase/decrease) if more firms practise division of labour.
Occupational... decrease
The (occupational/geographical) mobility of labour will (increase/decrease) if more recruitment websites and magazines are available.
Occupational... increase
The (occupational/geographical) mobility of labour will (increase/decrease) if the economy stops offering employment-related transportation subsidies.
Geographical... increase
The (occupational/geographical) mobility of labour will (increase/decrease) if the new railway lines connecting remote areas and central business districts are built.
Geographical... increase