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AEF 4 - UNIT 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Use "glamorous" in a sentence. (with context)
Mirtha Legrand is so glamorous. She always wears fancy, expensive clothes.
Use "lively" in a sentence. (with context)
My friend is so lively! She is full of energy!
When would you take painkillers?
When you have a headache, a backache, etc,
What are 2 things that can happen to you if you are fasting?
feel dizzy, faint, feel weak...
Mention 3 symptoms of the flu.
sneezing, coughing, fever
Describe this object. Use 4 adjectives. (Adjective order)
Expensive brown plain leather boots.
Describe this person. Use 3 adjectives. (Adjective order)
Example: An amazing not-so-young Argentinean soccer player.
Describe this object. Use 4 adjectives. (Adjective order)
Example: An obsolete big old South Korean computer.
Describe this object. Use 4 adjectives. (Adjective order)
Example: An expensive new brown fur coat.
It is very difficult for THE POOR/ POOR to make a living.
the poor
The French people / French people are usually very stylish.
French people are usually very stylish.
CHOOSE THE RIGHT TENSE: I /read/ two books so far.
I have read two books so far.
CHOOSE THE RIGHT TENSE: Hey Tom! you / play football? you are all sweaty!
Have you been playing football? You are all sweaty!
CHOOSE THE RIGHT TENSE: I /study English for four years now.
I have been studying English for four years now.
CHOOSE THE RIGHT TENSE: you / ever/ try chapulines?
Have you ever tried chapulines?