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2nd Semester Final Review

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This dynasty is considered China's first true dynasty
Who was the founder of Buddhism?
Siddhartha Gautama
Wu Wang
Han Feizi
A type of treatment which needle is inserted into the skin
A military power similar to shinobi 🥷
Politician and government
The breaking of something
What did the Great Wall of China do?
Protect them from invaders
Provide a quiet place to eat
Stop China from attacking their enemy
Help China get closer
Who was the ruler of the Qin dynasty?
Qin Shihuangdi
Han Wudi
Liu Pang
Yang Guang
What is the Silk Road?
A set of trade networks from China to the Mediterranean. 
A road made of silk.
A group of people who make silk.
A road that leads to where silk worms live. 
Han Feizi taught that
Society must be controlled by strict laws/ harsh punishments
If the ruler is moral society will order itself from example
The government that governs the least governs the best
The people should vote for their own leader
What is an aristocrat?
Wealthy landowners
A different word for noble
A leader
A person with the right to participate in the government
Daoism was....
A more religious philosophy about being one with the nature
A non religious philosophy focused on violence
A modernized version of Confucianism
A philosophy based on science and focused on astronomy
What does filial piety mean?
Obedience and respect for your parents and elders.
All the universe is connected through the yin-yang.
The way to enlightenment is through nirvana.
To obedience and respect for your government.
All of these are expectations of Confucianism EXCEPT:
Give offerings to their god
Distinguishing between right and wrong
Social harmony
Why did Wu Wang lead a rebellion against the Shang government
The last of the Shang rulers was a cruel tyrant
Shang rulers forced the people to worship too many gods
The last Shang ruler failed to honor his ancestors
There were too many aristocrats
China's longest dynasty
The oracle bones were from the Shang Dynasty.
Around where geographically was the Shang Dynasty?
Huang He River
Gobi Desert
The Shang dynasty was the longest lasting dynasty?
A Dao is...
Chinese system of beliefs which describes the way a person must rule
having title or possession by reason of birth
a symbol in a writing system that represents a thing or idea
a group of non-elected government officials
What was the Mandate of Heaven?
A concept that said rulers were given authority to rule from the gods
A set of laws that were dictated from the gods
What the Ancient Chinese called their king
The name of a legendary dragon from Chinese mythology
What is a bureaucracy?
An administrative organization with officials and procedures
A system in which priests rule in the name of God
A form of government where a king or queen is the head
A system where there is no structured government
the system of civil servants and appointees who administer decisions
people selected by an elected leader to hold a government position
part of the legislative branch
part of the executive branch
An ideograph is
an image that represent an idea or message
A picture that represents what it looks like
An early system of writing
A style of drawing
What is a pictograph?
A graph that uses pictures to represent data.
A graph that uses bars to represent data.
A graph that uses dots to represent data.
A graph that uses lines to represent data.
relative who lived long ago
having to do with qualities found in only one person
Japanese robe-like garment with wide sleeves and broad sash
new, or not known or experienced earlier
What is a warlord?
a military leader with his own army
a conqueror
a person who refuses to fight in the military
A priest or religious leader that travels with an army
What is loess?
A yellowish brown soil that blows in from a desert
A tool used to harvest crops.
A book of legends
a bone that was used to tell the future for a person's life
The Huang He river is known as...
China's sorrow
China's zorrow
Me gusta la papa
Xi Jang
A Fable ___________________
always teaches a lesson or moral.
always has music
always has a shepherd
always has Kings and Queens
Which defines Acropolis?
A high hill upon which a Greek fortress was built
The Greek word for an independent city/state
Stories about gods and heroes that try to explain how the world works
A short story that teaches a lesson about life or shows how to live
What was an agora?
Outdoor market
Greek temple
A religious pyramid
A Greek city-state
Define Peninsula
A body of water with three sides
A body of water with two sides
A body of water with one sides
A body of water with zero sides
What is a phalanx?
A group of warriors who stood together in a square
A city in Arizona
A rider on horse with a double edged sword
A Greek island
Which of these did Pericles NOT do to help Athens?
Brought Olympic games to Athens
Built walls to protect Athens
Led armies
Established colonies
What is a veto?
A constitutional right to reject a law
Something the President can do
Something the President can't do
The thing that the person in charge does
What is a monsoon
severe, strong seasonal winds that bring rain
a shadoof like plant in Egypt
A priest or priestess that gives prophecies
A short sword that the Persians used in battle
Philosophy came from what greek word meaning love
Yin -Yang means
Harmony in all things
Love of all things
The wisdom of right and wrong
Understanding black and white
Who were the praetorians?
guards of the general's residence
professional fighters
the head of the military
the king's servants
Where would you have found the 300 Spartan soldiers that fought against 180,000 Persians?
The Oracle at Delphi
This Spartan king stayed with 300 to fight to the death
Who was Leonidas?
He was a king and a soldier for Sparta
He was an author for Athens
He was a king for Athens
He created democracy
Xerxes views himself to be:
All of the above
King of Persia
A God
Conqueror of Greece
What does oracle mean?
Priest or Priestess who makes prophecies.
Priest or priestess who reads minds.
King of Egypt who rules over the Pharaoh.
Queen of the King in Egypt with many children. 
Which god did NOT live on Mount Olympus?
where is Mount Olympus located?
What would be the best example of a Greek myth be?
A story about Zeus and Hercules
A long poem by Homer
A historical account of the Persian Wars
A writing by Pericles about Athenian law
An Epic is
a long narrative poem about heroic adventures
an awesome event
a short story
the journal of a hero
China was surrounded by natural barriers. Which was NOT one?
The Sahara Desert
The Gobi Desert
The Himilyan Mountains
The Huang He River
Which Greek philosopher taught the Golden Mean--moderation in all things?