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Chores and positive habits

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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how do you say "lavare la macchina"?
wash the car
how do you say "sparecchiare la tavola"
clear the table
how do you say "apparecchiare la tavola"
lay the table / set the table
what's the English for "cucinare"?
do the cooking / cook /cooking
How do you say "stirare"?
do the ironing
What's the English for "passare l'aspirapolvere"
vacuum the floor
How do you say "avere un atteggiamento positivo"?
have a positive attitude
How do you say "gestire la paghetta"?
manage my pocket money
How do you say "svuotare le lavastoviglie"?
unload the dishwasher
How do you say in English "riempire la lavastoviglie"?
load the dishwasher
What's the English for "portare il cane a far una passeggiata"?
take the dog for a walk
How do you say in English " fare esercizio fisico"
do exercise"
How do you say in English "annaffiare le piante"?
water the plants
How do you say in English "mangiare cibi sani"
eat healthy food
What's the English for "riordinare la propria stanza"
tidy my room
What's the English for " tagliare l'erba"
cut the grass
How do you say in English "fare il letto"
make my bed / make the bed
What's the English for "evitare i pericoli"?
stay safe
How do you say "dare da mangiare al cane"?
Feed the dog
What's the English for "buttare la spazzatura"
take out the rubbish
What's the English for "fare i piatti"
Do the washing up
How do you say in English "fare le pulizie"?
Do the cleaning