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What I learned in Halacha this year
Intro to Halach and the Halachos of Kashrus
About minecraft
Intro to Halacha and Hilchos Shabbos
Can one use a britah on Shabbat?
If the water is drinkable without it than yes
if you say so
go to the office!
Temmy had grapes and pomegranates- which gets the first bracha?
Kiera has a cookie and a candy what is the correct order of brachot
Are you allowed to throw bread?
but she did it
Thanks for asking
Atara, Ariella and Ayellet had a cream cheese sandwich for lunch- what Bracha should she make?
picture with a filter
How loud should you bracha be?
loud enough to hear your self
Undefeated 2017!!
quiet so you don't disturb the person next to you
What hand should we hold the food we are about to eat before we make a bracha
go for two
What is it comparable to if one eats with out a bracha
stealing from Hashem
breaking the school rules
going to the office in Rabbi Katz's class (doesn't happen)
not doing good things
How many Brachot should one make a day?
as many as they can
Can you snap chat while saying a bracha
Pasut NO
Bomb Shaila
only instagram
How does the Chinuch understand the words "Baruch Ata
you are the source of all blessing
You are blessed
this was from the first class how am I supposed to remember
bless you
Lital just had a cream cheese and now wants to join Meira in her BBQ what does she have to do?
all of the above
rinse their mouths
wipe ones mouth with a bulky item like a cracker
wash ones hands
What is the reason for waiting between meat and milk according to the Rambam
Meet gets stuck in your teeth
leaves a residue in your pallet
Go team
Not sure
What is the reason for waiting between meat and milk according to Rashi?
Meat leaves a residue in the pallet and throat
meat gets stuck in teeth
meat tastes good
Yael was meat from lunch, she said a shehakol on a glass of milk. What should she do?
take a sip and then continue waiting
drink the cup
run in a circle
What do the majority of Sfardim do with regards to waiting between meat and milk?
6 hours
into the 6th
3 hours
10 hours
Chaya was eating salami at her table by herself, is she allowed to have cheese on the table?
If it is on a place mat or far away she won't get it
no, because she might come to eat it if it is close
I don't know
choose me- who did I get
How many times does this pasuk about meat and milk come up in the Torah?
You tell me Rabbi
What is the source for not eating meat and milk
"lo tivashel Gedi Bchalev Emo"
The Torah says so
Its a minhag
Parashat Bereshit