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Kingdoms and Food Chain

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kingdom does this belong to?
What kingdom does this belong to?
Who is the secondary consumer?
the fox
What kind of consumer is an elephant?
primary consumer
Is this flora or fauna?
Is this flora or fauna?
Worms are decomposers. True or False?
What kingdoms CAN move around?
Animals, Bacteria, and sometimes protists
is this a producer, consumer, or decomposer?
Is this a terrestrial or aquatic ecosystem?
terrestrial ecosystem
Name one factor that has influence on AQUATIC ecosystems.
salinity, water temperature, light, currents, type of seabed
Name one factor that has influence on TERRESTRIAL ecosystems.
climate, vegetation, type of soil, relief
Is this a terrestrial ecosystem or an aquatic ecosystem?
Aquatic ecosystem
What kingdoms CANNOT move around?
Plants and Fungi
Carnivores are consumers. True or False?
Omnivores are producers. True or False?
Is this a primary, secondary, or tertiary consumer?
Secondary consumer
What kingdom does this belong to?
Is this a primary, secondary, or tertiary consumer?
Primary consumer
What kingdom does this belong to?
What kingdom does this belong to?
What are the 5 kingdoms?
Plants, Animals, Protists, Bacteria, and Fungi
Is this a producer, consumer, or decomposer?
secondary consumer
Is this a producer, consumer, or decomposer?
primary consumer
Is this a producer, consumer, or decomposer?
Is this a producer, consumer, or decomposer?