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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I was really tired. Even ___ I went out.
In spite of feeling/feel ill I went to work.
W__________she wears, she always looks great!
We clicked with each other immediately and got on like a _______________on fire!
Change this into inversion: I have never been so embarrassed in my life!
Never have i been so embarrassed in my life!
I´m looking for a good present which is more _____________ and perfect for her. MEAN
I should have started this earlier. TIME It´s about____________________this.
time I started
I hate people who are always complaining. CAN'T I __________________when people always complain.
can´t stand it
The story was extremely p________ and I cried my eyes out at the end.
I don´t like Chemistry and _______does my sister.
-Are you going to have a holiday this year? -I hope ____.
This report will put ________some suggestions and recommendation in order to improve the situation.
Interviews were c__________/o____ in order to obtain students´ opinions on the matter.
carried out
Tragically the hero dies in the end which was a bit of a d_______!
It was a great film and so inspiring and up_________!
It was nowhere/nothing like as impressive as I had imagined.
nothing (nowhere near as)
English is a great/considerable deal easier than Chinese.
I would really like to trace my family r______.
What´s the opposite of practical and perfect, polite and personal? They all take the same prefix to make the opposite adjective!
For me, the failure of the company was incredibly disappointing. BITTERLY I________________ the failure of the company.
was bitterly disappointed by
If I won the lottery, I would buy a top floor flat with a roof terrace. WERE __________________, I would buy a top floor flat with a roof terrace.
were I to win (If I were to win the lottery= too many words)
"Don´t speak to me like that!" OBJECTED She ___________________like that.
objected to being spoken to
The number of visitors to the museum has fallen dramatically. STEEP There ____________________the number of visitors to the museum
has been a steep fall in
Some people have been saying what a good move emigrating would be. ARGUED It________________emigrating would be a good move.
has been argued that
It was only after telling everyone that it was his birthday that John got loads of cards. HAVING John only got loads of cards ______________it was his birthday.
having told everyone (that)
I think it´s mind-b_______ how this pandemic has affected the world.
"I think Joe should seriously reconsider his plans" said the careers advisor. RECOMMENDED The careers advisor_____________________________his plans.
recommended (that) Joe should seriously reconsider
They were going to buy the house but their offer was turned down. HAVE They _________________the house but their offer was turned down.
were to have bought/would have bought
He would become one of the greatest singers in the world. WAS He __________________ one of the greatest singers in the world.
was to become
She was about to start cooking when the phone rang. GOING She _____________cooking when the phone rang.
was going to start
She was meant to leave for Australia on the 2nd but her flight was cancelled. DUE She _________________________for Australia on the 2nd but her flight was cancelled.
was due to leave
It is often c_______ that learning a language is easier when you are a child.
Dogs are considered __________ the most intelligent animals
be be
After I did that bungee jump I felt totally exh________!
I´ve been r_______ my brains all morning trying to remember the name of that song!
I´ve been feeling a bit run-down and under the w_______ recently
In this photo they seem to be over the moon about something w______ in the other they look as though they are arguing.
I wish I _____________(listen) to my Mum more when I was a child.
had listened
I wish/If only my boyfriend ________ cut his nails on the sofa!
As long as or P_______ (that ) you have studied, you will pass the exam.
provided or providing
By this time next week we will __________(finish) the course.
have finished