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What are the dangers for the turtle? Από τι κινδυνεύει η χελώνα καρέτα καρέτα;
Plastic bags, nets, humans Πλαστικές σκούλες, δύχτια, ψαράδες
How is the type of music sang by Kefalonites called?
Kantades Καντάδες
What does kareta-kareta like to eat? Ποιοί μεζέδες αρέσουν στην καρέτα καρέτα;
Kalamari, jelly-fish, octapus, seaweed καλαμάρια, χταπόδια, τσούχτρες, θαλάσσια φυτά
How many eggs does this special turtle have?
What is the name of the rare turtle that lives in Kefalonia?
Χελώνα Καρέτα-Καρέτα Kareta- Kareta
How many olive trees are there in Kefalonia?
More than 1 million
What is the capital of Kefalonia?
What is the name of the most famous beach in Kefalonia?
Myrtos Beach
What is the name of the most famous lake in Kefalonia?
TRUE OR FALSE Kefalonia is the second largest island in Ionion