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Animal Adaptations

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name an important adaptation of humans.
opposable thumbs
What is an adaptation of a kangaroo?
What is an adaptation of a owl?
Name three reasons why animals have adaptations
Explain mimicry and an animal that uses this.
Explain camouflage an animal that uses this.
What is a genetic mutation?
Name a plant adaptation.
What is hibernation?
A way animals conserve energy to survive adverse weather conditions or lack of food
How do cacti conserve water? Give two examples.
thick fleshy stems, needle-like leaves, spread out roots
Give an example of a physiological adaptation.
Give an example of a behavioural adaptation
Give an example of a structural adaptation.
What are the three types of adaptations ?
Behavioural, Physiological and Structural
What is an adaptation?
A characteristics that increases a living thing's chance of survival in it's natural habitat
What is an adaptation a koala? Why does it have this adaptation?
Claws To climb trees and escape predators.
What is an adaptation a giraffe has?
Long necks, long tounge