Edit Game
Unit 2 Vocabulary 6

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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bronze: The replica is made from bronze in the original size.
a brown metal made of copper and tin.
silver: This jewel is made of stainless steel in silver finish.
a chemical element that is a valuable shiny, white metal, used for making cutlery knives, spoons, etc, jewellery, coins, and decorative objects.
gold: A combination of white and yellow gold is very popular
a chemical element that is a valuable, shiny, yellow metal used to make coins and jewellery.
circle: In our lives, every one of us draws a circle.
a continuous curved line, the points of which are always the same distance away from a fixed central point, or the area inside such a line.
fossil:The most common fossil fuel types are coal, natural gas and crude oil.
the shape of a bone, a shell, or a plant or animal that has been preserved in rock for a very long period.
found: My sister Hai found us a job in the city.
Found a lost city.
humans: In humans, there is a parallel feeling called a condition.In humans, there is a parallel feeling called a condition.
being, relating to, or belonging to a person or to people as opposed to animals
page: And so the first page of our journal was written.
a side of one of the pieces of paper in a book, newspaper, or magazine, usually with a number printed on it.
image: The image shows the morgue of Monte Bello in Caracas.
a picture in your mind or an idea of how someone or something is.
giant: A comet or asteroid had collided with the giant planet.
an imaginary creature like a man but extremely tall, strong, and usually very cruel, appearing especially in children's stories.
age: There are several methods to determine the age of fossils.
the period of time someone has been alive or something has existed
lápiz: Dibuja sobre el área con defectos usando el lápiz verde.
un objeto largo y delgado, generalmente de madera, para escribir o dibujar, con una punta afilada negra o de color en un extremo.
ice: The same sun that melts the ice, hardens the clay.
water that has frozen and become solid, or pieces of this.
city: Portugal has written its history in Lisbon, city of colours.
a large town.
center: Our Lady is directly in the center of the light.
I hit him in the center.
group: This victory shows that our group is really a team.
a number of people or things that are put together or considered as a unit:a number of people or things that are put together or considered as a unit
game: The game has two levels of difficulty, easy and difficult.
an entertaining activity or sport, especially one played by children, or the equipment needed for such an activity
egg: The egg is the reproductive cell of a chicken.
the oval object with a hard shell that is produced by female birds, especially chickens, eaten as food.
coast: The coast is formed by imposing cliffs and beautiful beaches.
the land next to or close to the sea.
cave:She lived in a cave with the rest of her family.
a large hole in the side of a hill, cliff, or mountain, or one that is underground.