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Where the River Runs Gold

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How did Shifa and Themba get to Freedom Fields?
By train
Shifa will have plenty of time to explore nature
Recruits are punished for going outside a designated area
Fill in the gaps: 'Some families are _____, not ______'
'Some families are made, not born'
Can you think of three adjectives to describe Shifa's personality?
loving, kind, caring, thoughtful, inquisitive, etc
How is the locket presented?
Old and precious
What word class is symbolism?
(abstract) noun
When are children recruited to work at Freedom Fields?
On their 11th birthday
What was the name of the Paragon who cut Shifa's hair?
The Hairtaker
What is the name of Shifa's cat?
Which group of people hold all the money and power in this society?
The Paragons
What is the name given to the people who have to hunt and search for their food?
What is the translation of Shifa's name?
'cure, healing remedy’ ‘the one who heals’
What is the meaning of the term dystopia?
An imagined society in which there is great suffering, often caused by a destructive event.