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Ancient History. Iberian Peninsula

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What is the modern-day name of the ancient city Emporion?
Its modern name is Ampurias.
What is the modern-day name of the ancient city Osca?
Its modern name is Huesca.
What is the modern-day name of the ancient city Caesaragusta?
Its modern name is Zaragoza.
What is the modern-day name of the ancient city Tarraco?
Its modern name is Tarragona.
What is the modern-day name of the ancient city Numantia?
Its modern name is Numancia.
What is the modern-day name of the ancient city Saguntum?
Its modern name is Sagunto.
What is the modern-day name of the ancient city Toletum?
Its modern name is Toledo.
What is the modern-day name of the ancient city Carthago Nova?
Its modern name is Cartagena.
What is the modern-day name of the ancient city Corduba?
Its modern name is Córdoba.
What is the modern-day name of the ancient city Gades?
Its modern name is Cádiz.
What is the modern-day name of the ancient city Hispalis?
Its modern name is Sevilla.
What is the modern-day name of the ancient city Emerita Augusta?
Its modern name is Mérida.
What is the modern-day name of the ancient city Salmantica?
Its modern name is Salamanca.
What is the modern-day name of the ancient city Asturica Augusta?
Its modern name is Astorga.