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Weather & Climate Change

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name an eco-friendly brand.
TOMS, Patagonia, Beyond Meat, Lush, Apple, The North Face, Veja, Amazon.
What are 2 kinds of alternative energy?
Hydro-electric, solar, wind, nuclear, bio-mass.
Name an animal that is extinct or endangered
Pandas, dodo, rhino, tiger, whale, sea turtle, tortoise, elephant, dinosaurs, etc.
Name one material you can recycle.
Paper / Glass / Plastic
What natural disaster is this?
A flood
Name 3 of the 5 top most pollution countries
USA / Japan / China / India / Russia
What is deforestation?
Cutting down a lot of trees.
Give 2 examples of fossil fuels.
Natural gas, Coal, and Oil.
It's temporary. Weather or climate?
Typical weather conditions in a region for a very long time.
The climate is changing. Scientists have observed that Earth is getting...
What's this?
Air pollution
What do greenhouse gases do?
Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere and raise the Earth's temperature.
What happens if the Earth's temperature gets warmer?
There's less snow and ice.
Name this symptom of global warming
Shrinking glaciers / icebergs
Name this symptom of global warming
Sea level rise
Name this symptom of global warming
Heat Wave
Name this symptom of global warming
What's the correct name for 'Earth's fever'?
Global warming