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Kids' Stories Around the World Unit 6

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A meeting with someone or something
To save something from danger
A building in a park where rangers work.
Ranger Station
When land goes up higher, often quickly
A group of rocks in nature
What word means "something that keeps you safe? It is a noun!
What does the Jim Corbett National Park do to help animals?
It keeps them safe from hunters.
How many types of animals does Pooja mention live in the national park near her home?
5 types of animals and nearly 600 types of birds
Which national park does Pooja live near?
Jim Corbett National Park
What country does Pooja come from?
What is one animal that Jojo mentions lives in the Serengeti National Park?
What is unique about The Serengeti National Park?
It has one of the most diverse plant and animal collections in the world.
What park does Jojo tell about?
The Serengeti National Park
What country does Jojo come from?
What does Amaia say that you can only see in Galapagos National Park and nowhere else?
frigates and giant tortoises
Why do people like to visit Galapagos National Park?
They want to see the plants and animals you can’t see anywhere else in the world.
What did the government in Ecuador set aside land for?
Galapagos National Park
Where does Amaia live?
Name one animal you could see in Victor's park.
Musk oxen, walruses, or polar bears
How is Greenland different from all other islands?
It is bigger than all the other islands in the world.
What is special about the Northeast Greenland National Park?
It's the largest national park in the world.
Where does Victor live?