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The Trojan War/ The Iliad

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Who is Hera, and what side does she fight for?
Queen of all gods, on the side of Greece
What does Hector respond to his pleading parents?
He will fight because of his honor.
Who is Aphrodite, what side is she on?
Goddess of love, on the side of Troy
Who is Agamemnon?
King Menelaus’ brother and leader of the Greeks
Who was the conflict of the Golden Apple?
Three goddess were fighting over a golden apple, which said “to the most beautiful.” Zeus picks Paris to decide who is the most beautiful.
Who is Odysseus?
He is the most cunning of the Greeks and King of Ithaca.
Who is King Priam?
King of Troy
What happens to Andromache at the end?
She faints after seeing her husband’s body dragged.
What does Hector foretell at his death?
The death of Achilles by Paris and Apollo
Why is Achilles so angry with Hector?
Hector killed his best friend, Patroclus
How does Athena trick Hector?
She pretends to be Deiphobus (Hector’s brother) and to help Hector, but she than leaves him alone with Achilles.
What god is helping Achilles?
Athena (Athene)
What god is helping Hector but then leaves?
What covenant does Hector ask Achilles to make before his death?
That they will honor the body of whoever dies.
How does Achilles treat Hector’s body?
He stabs it repeatedly and drags it behind a chariot around Troy.
How does the Iliad end?
With the death of Hector.
When does the Iliad take place during the Trojan War?
The story begins 9/10 years into the war
Who is Paris?
He is a prince of Troy. He stole Helen after he chose Aphrodite for the Golden Apple.
Who is Helen?
The most beautiful woman in the world. Paris taking her started the war.
Who is King Menelaus?
He was married to Helen and is King of Sparta
Who is Achilles?
The greatest warrior to live, on the side of Greece
What is the difference between a simile and metaphor?
Both are a comparison, but a simile uses “like” or “as”
Name an element of an Epic.
1.Multiple Settings 2.Epic style of writing 3.Supernatural Involvement 4.Legendary Hero 5.Super Human Strength 6.Omniscient Nar
Name an element of an Epic.
1.Multiple Settings 2.Epic style of writing 3.Supernatural Involvement 4.Legendary Hero 5.Super Human Strength 6.Omniscient Nar
Name an element of an Epic.
1.Multiple Settings 2.Epic style of writing 3.Supernatural Involvement 4.Legendary Hero 5.Super Human Strength 6.Omniscient Nar
Name an element of an Epic.
1.Multiple Settings 2.Epic style of writing 3.Supernatural Involvement 4.Legendary Hero 5.Super Human Strength 6.Omniscient Nar
Name an element of an Epic.
1.Multiple Settings 2.Epic style of writing 3.Supernatural Involvement 4.Legendary Hero 5.Super Human Strength 6.Omniscient Nar
Name an element of an Epic.
1.Multiple Settings 2.Epic style of writing 3.Supernatural Involvement 4.Legendary Hero 5.Super Human Strength 6.Omniscient Nar
Was Homer a real author?
It is highly debated...
Who is the author of the Iliad?