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My First Grammar 2 Lesson 14

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where is the kitten?
It is on the chair.
Where are they?
They are in the car.
Where is the child?
He is under the tree.
Where is the man?
He is in the toilet. He is in the bathroom.
Where is the snail?
It is in the house.
Where is the chair?
It is under the fat person.
Where is the fat person?
He / She is on the chair.
Where is the man?
He is behind the newspaper.
Where is the mouse? (that's a trap)
It is in the trap.
Where is the mouse? (that's a trap)
It is in front of the trap.
Where is the strong man in orange?
He is in front of the girl in pink. He is in front of everyone.
Where is the old man?
He is in front of the man. He is behind the girl.
Where are the students?
They are in class. They are in school.
Where is the teacher?
He is in the living room. He is on the sofa.
Where is the girl?
She is in front of the TV.
Where are the snakes?
They are in the eggs.
Where is the rocket?
It is under the animal. It is under Wiley Coyote.
Where is Wiley Coyote?
He is on a rocket.
Where is Wiley Coyote? (that's an "anvil")
He is under the anvil
Where is the dinosaur?
It is behind the tree.
Where is the man with blonde hair?
He is in the car.
Where is the man with black hair?
He is in front of the car.
Where is the baby?
It is in the shark.
Where is the mosnter?
It is under the bed.