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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The book feels interesting.改錯
The book looks interesting.
My dad sounds much older than my mom. 改錯
My dad looks much older than my mom.
The music tastes terrible. 
The music sounds terrible.
The noodles sound delicious. 改錯
The noodles taste delicious.
Gary smells really sick. 改錯
Gary looks really sick.
Is a sofa as comfortable as a chair?照實際回答
No, a chair is not as comfortable as a sofa.
Is your father as old as your mother?照實際回答
No, my mother is not as old my father.
Is English as easy as Chinese to you?
Yes, English as easy as Chinese to me. OR No......
Are you as tall as your father?照實際回答
No, I am not as tall as my father. OR Yes,..........
Are bicycles as fast as cars? 照實際回答
No, bicycles are not as fast as cars.
My grandfather is 65 years old. My grandmother is 60 years old.
My grandmother is not as old as my grandfather.
The air in the city is not fresh. The air in the country is fresh.
The air in the city is not as fresh as the air in the countryside.
Henry is 160 cm tall. Hank is 160 cm tall.
Henry is as tall as Hank.
Vivian is smart. Eva is much smarter.
Vivian is not as smart as Eva.
Ants are hardworking. Bees are hardworking.
Ants are as hardworking as bees.