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The Romans

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Why did the Empire end?
Because Germanic tribes invaded Rome.
What did the Romans build to cross rivers?
They built bridges.
Did the Romans have one God?
No, they had many Gods.
How was society composed?
Society was made up the Patricians, the Plebeians (plibians), and the Slaves.
What was the animal that represented the Roman army?
The eagle.
What was the name of the Roman soldiers?
Their name was legionaries.
Who was responsible of conquering new land and keeping the peace?
The Roman army.
Who had all the power in an Empire?
The Emperor had all the power.
When was Rome founded?
It was founded in 753 BC.
What did the Romans use to transport water?
They used aqueducts.
What was the name of the first Emperor?
Who made the decisions in the Roman republic?
How many kings did Rome have?
It had seven kings.
Rome was first a Monarchy, then a Republic and at the end....
an empire
What is the name of the first King of Rome?
What was the name of the sea next to Rome?
Mediterranean sea