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English 3 U20

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You are at the airport, waiting for a friend. Your friend’s flight was a long one, and you are sure he/she will be tired. When you see your friend, ask him/her about the flight experience.
You have just arrived home after a long flight. A friend is meeting you at the airport. Tell them about your flight.
Goal 18 ROLE A
Goal 17
Do you have anything to declare? → The customs officer asked you ...................
if you have anything to declare
Did you pack your suitcase yourself? → The security guard asked you .............
if you packed your suitcase yourself.
I will be here for three days. → She said she ........................
will be here for three days,
How long will you be staying? → The immigration officer asked you ......
how long you will be staying
Their house is the white one on the corner. → The white house on the corner is ___.
Are these your things? → Are these things __?
The red car is our car. → The red car is __.
I think this is my seat. → I think this seat is ___ .
Upon landing, please r__ seated until the f___ seat belt sign is turned off. Thank you.
remain / fasten
Please return to your seats and make sure your seat back and tray table are in their u___ position and that your s__ __ is securely fastened.
upright / seat belt
Ladies and gentlemen, we will soon be ___ in Beijing.
Before take-off, please make sure your carry-on baggage is s___ either under the seat in front of you or in one of the o___ bins.
stored / overhead
Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain, Melanie Winters, and I would like to w___ you aboard Friendly Air Flight 882 to Beijing. We should be t__ __in about ten minutes.
welcome / taking off