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2 ESO Music Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is this famous American singer?
Taylor Swift
Who is this famous American singer?
Bruno Mars
Who is this famous American singer?
Elvis Presley
Who is this famous American singer?
Michael Jackson
What is the name of this note?
What is the name of this note?
What interval is this?
What interval is this?
What interval is this?
Name two woodwind instruments that use a reed.
Ex: Saxophone, clarinet, oboe, basoon...
What is the definition of a musical interval?
The distance between two notes.
Name two instruments involved in folk music
Any of these: guitar, fiddle, bass, banjo, harp, voice, and things from around the house
What American group started singing Spirituals?
African Americans
During what activities did people sing folk music in the USA?
While working (ex: railroad, fishing, cowboys)
Where does american folk music come from, urban or rural areas?
Name two different string instruments.
Answers may vary.
Name two different woodwind instruments.
Answers may vary.
Name two different percussion instruments.
Answers may vary.
Name two different brass instruments.
Answers may vary.
Name the four instrument families.
Brass, woodwind, strings, percussion
Name three Spanish composers.
answers may vary
Typically, what verb tense should you write in for a biography?
Past tense
What is Beethoven's most famous symphony?
What is the name of the famous composer who became deaf later in life?
Ludwig van Beethoven