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Describe the difference between complete dominance, incomplete dominance and codominance.
Incomplete dominance and codominance are both types of inheritance where one allele isn’t completely dominant over the other allele. Complete: 1 dom. allele.
Describe the difference between genotype and phenotype.
genotype is the set of genes that it carries. An organism's phenotype is all of its observable characteristics
What is meant by the term C3 or C4 plant?
C3: majority of plants, have no special features to combat photorespiration. C4: minimize photorespiration by separating initial CO2 and calvin cycle
What is the ATP synthase, where is it expressed and what is its function?
ATP synthase is a mitochondrial enzyme uses the H+ gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane to drive ATP synthesis. Chemiosmosis.
Explain the difference between substrate level phosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation
Substrate level: synthesis of ATP from substrate to ADP (glycolysis+krebs). Ox Phos: Uses O2 to oxidize NADH in order to generate ATP
What is the final electron acceptor in the ETC
Explain the difference between the terms endergonic and exergonic
Exergonic: have a negative ∆G RELEASE free energy= energy is a product. Endergonic: a positive ∆G requires an input of energy= energy is a reactant
What is feedback regulation, give an example of negative feedback
a change in a given direction causes change in the opposite direction.EX: air conditioning
Describe how an enzyme can lower the activation energy of a reaction
1)Substrate orientation 2)Straining substrate bonds 3)Providing a favorable microenvironment 4)Covalently bonding to the substrate
What is the role of Cholesterol in the plasma membrane
Cholesterol functions as a buffer, preventing lower temperatures from inhibiting fluidity and preventing higher temperatures from increasing fluidity.
Explain the difference between active and passive transport
Passive transport: does not require ATP, happens "passively". Active transport: requires ATP or some energy source
What is apoptosis?
Programmed cell death
Define the terms autocrine, paracrine and synaptic signaling
Autocrine: a cell targets itself. Paracrine: a cell targets a cell enarby. Synaptic: a chemical signal that travels between nerve cells.
What is a phosphorylase?
an enzyme which introduces a phosphate group into an organic molecule
What is a kinase?
an enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of a phosphate group from ATP to a specified molecule.
Steroid hormones usually result in a longer term affect on cellular function explain why this is the case
Because blood is water-based, lipid-derived hormones must travel to their target cell bound to a transport protein
What are the four types of RNA?
rRNA(ribosomal), mRNA(mature/messanger), tRNA(transfer), RNA
What is the function of the motor proteins?
use ATP to generate movement for example transport of organelles, beating of the cilia and undulating motion of the flagella
Describe the different type of cell junctions
tight seals to prevent leaks(tight), allow movement of molecules between neighboring cells(gap), keep neighboring cells attached to eachother(desmosome/anchor)
List the different three components of the cytoskeleton
actin filaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments.
Amino acids are linked together to make proteins by removing a molecule of ________ in a process called ____________.
water, dehydration synthesis
Name the 2 functional groups in amino acids.
Amino, Carboxyl
Fats are made of an alcohol called __________ and three __________ _________ chains. This is known as a ____________.
glycerol, fatty acids, tricglyceride
If there is a DOUBLE bond between _________ in the fatty acid chain, then it is said to be ____________.
carbons, unsaturated
What are the three important disaccharides?
maltose, lactose, fructose
What are the subunits called that make up carbohydrates?
Protein that binds to the operator of prokaryotic genes to prevent transcription.
Collection of genes involved in a pathway that are transcribed together as a single mRNA in prokaryotic cells.
DNA sequence to which RNA polymerase and associated factors bind and initiate transcription.
Three consecutive nucleotides in mRNA that specify the insertion of an amino acid
What type of bond holds amino acids together?
peptide bonds