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1 ESO Music Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In 3/4 time, how many beats are there per measure?
When two notes are the same note, what is this called?
What interval is this?
What interval is this?
What interval is this?
What is the name of this musical note?
Eighth note
What is the name of this musical note?
Whole note
What is the name of this musical note?
Half note
What is the name of this musical note?
Quarter note
What note is this?
Name the four instrument families.
Woodwind, String, Brass, Percussion
What colors are in the Irish flag?
White, green, and orange
What colors are in the Scottish flag?
Blue and white
What country is the Bodhrán from??
What Irish woodwind instrument has 6 holes?
Wooden flute or metal penny whistle
What string instrument is popular in Scotland and has a shape like the number "8"?
What is the string instrument where the body is circular?
What instrument makes a sound when air is squeezed in a bag and the sound travels through pipes?
What instrument is the symbol of Ireland?
How do you do the hand jive dance? Show me!
What latin dance style is a mixture of the mambo and swing styles?
Salsa Dance
What style of dance comes from street dance with movements called locking and popping?
Break Dance
What is the name of the dance style that is energetic and lifts people up?
Swing Dance
What is the name of the dance style popular in the southern US? (HINT: Its name includes a shape)
Square Dance