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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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20.- Robotico: This is a robotic laboratory.
2.- They will do a robotic exam.
19.- Gnetic: The doctors did a genetic test.
2.- They submitted a genetic article.
18.-You have to increase the consumption of frutras and vegetables.
2.-The river increases its level.
17.- Vein: Blood runs through the veins.
2.- Our body has many important veins.
16.- Stomach: The stomach processes food.
2.- It is important to take care of our stomach.
15.- It is important to take care of our spine.
2.- Doctors study the spine.
14.- Skin: We must take care of the skin of the solar stripes.
2.- The skin should be hydrated.
13.- Eskeleton: The skeleton is made up of bones.
2.- Our skeleton is important for our sustainability.
12.- Nerve: It is important to take care of our nerves.
2.- You have to control your nerves.
11.- Muscle: Muscles develop with exercise.
2.- The muscles of the arms give us strength.
10.- Lung: The lungs filter the air we breathe.
2.- The lungs are important for life.
9.- Liver: The liver is an important organ.
2.- The liver is part of the excretory system.
8.- Kidney: The kidney is part of the scretory system.
2.- The kidney filters the waste.
7.- Heart: The heart pumps blood.
2.- The heart is a very important organ.
6.- Gene: Genes are hederitary.
2.- Many people heed genes from their parents.
5.- DNA: DNA identifies people.
2.- DNA can be donated.
4.- Cell: There are many cells in the body.
2.- Cells are important.
3.- Brain: The brain is very useful.
2.- The brain is part of the nervous system.
2.- Bone: Bones support the body.
2.- Bones are part of the bone system.
1.- Artery: The aorta is the main artery of the body.
2.- Artery are part of the circulatory system