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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give 1 disadvantage of Observation method.
Participants might not show their real behavior / Possibility of observer bias / Interpretations may vary / Possibility of incomplete observations
Give 2 disadvantages of Questionnaire.
Limited application / Low response rate / Self-selection bias / Lacks opportunity for clarification / Consulting others
What data collection method would be useful if you will accumulate a large amount of data from a large population?
What is the ideal number of members in a Focus Group?
What is the full name of your Student-Teacher in Research 2? (including the middle initial)
Elisha Kesha Anne F. Lisaba
Enumerate the 6 Data Collection Methods that we have tackled today.
Observation, Interview, Questionnaire, Focus Group, Documents & Records and Experiment
Give 3 examples of personal records.
letters, emails, diaries, photographs, daily planners, ID, license cards
When the data collection is done by administering questionnaires in a captive audience where people are assembled in one place, what do you call that specific method under Questionnaire technique?
Collective Administration
Why is the Observation method called an “active" acquisition of knowledge and information?
Because we are using our senses when we are conducting an observation.
Statistical publications, research reports, maps and atlases are examples of what type of Documents and Records?
Government Publication