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Sea animals

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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16. How to say "Tôi thích ăn hải sản."
I like seafood.
2. What sea animal is it? What does a clam have?
3. What is it?
4. What sea animal is it? How is its body?
5. What sea animal can you see?
6. .............. has............. legs.
A squid has 10 legs.
7. .............has ..................teeth.
A shark has sharp teeth.
1. What sea animal is it? What happens when it breathes out?
It spouts out water like a fountain.
8. What is it? How does it walk?
A crab walks sideways.
9. ............has...........legs.
An octopus has 8 legs.
10. ..................has ..............wings.
A manta ray has huge wings.
11. .............has.............. body.
A shrimp has a bent body.
12. What is it? How does it swim?
A seahorse swims in an upright position.
13. Is a dolphin stupid?
No, it isn't. It is smart.
14. Does a sea turtle move slowly?
No, it doesn't. It moves fast.
15. ............ looks like ................
A starfish looks like a star.