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Name 3 interesting facts about 3 different animals
What can people do to help endangered animals?
learn about the animals, Create reserves, keep the nature clean
What can people do to help prevent poaching?
Create laws protecting animals, do not buy things made of animals’ tusks, horns and fur, protest
What are characteristics of mammals?
warm-blooded, give birth to live young, have hair or fur, babies drink mother’s milk
What are characteristics of fish
live in water, breath through gills, have fins, lay eggs
Name 3 mammals
cat, dolphin, elephant
Give an example of a food chain (minimum 4 elements):
Give an example of a food chain (minimum 4 elements): grass<= ladybug<= sparrow <= cat
What does extinct mean? Give an example.
Animals that do not exist anymore. Dodo
Name 5 animals that are vulnerable/ endangered
elephants, sea otters, red pandas, blue whales, rhinos
Give 3 reasons why animals become endangered
poaching, habitat loss, pollution
1) Explain what a carnivore is 2) Explain what an omnivore is
1) animal that eats other animals 2) animal that eats plants and other animals
Name 5 animals that are native to Latvia
squirrel, fox, cow, ladybug, crow
Name 3 herbivores:
cow, horse, rabbit
Herbivore, Omnivore, Carnivore?
Herbivore, Omnivore, Carnivore?