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Company law - STARS

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does a company usually indemnify its shareholders against?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying an off-the-shelf company?
How does one become the director of a company?
Do you know anyone who is a member of a housing cooperative? What are their rights and responsibilities there?
What are the reasons for a business to be wound up?
What should be done for shares to be listed on the stock exchange?
Why might a shareholder not receive a dividend?
Are all types of businesses legal personalities/legal entities?
What can one do in the Companies House?
What is the nominal value of a share?
The fixed value of each share.
Does the registry of companies provide information about all types of companies?
What is the role of a partner's personal assets in a limited liability partnership?
What do monthly drawings of each partner in a general partnership depend on?
What is the difference between a dormant (sleeping/silent) partner and an equity partner?
Why might the partners want to expel one of them from the partnership?
What is the authorised minimum to incorporate a general partnership? Does every partner have to contribute equally?
Have you ever drawn up a partnership agreement? What should be stipulated in it?
:)Names of partners, partnership name, capital contribution of partners, share of profits/losses, drawings ...
What is the difference between joint liability and several liability?
Joint - responsible together as a group, several - responsible individually.
In this form of company, there is no restriction to the responsibility.
General partnership (unlimited partnership).
What is the simplest way to set up and run a business?
Register as a self-employed (sole trader).