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4B VOC W13

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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3 (well done)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our horses plodded down the muddy _______.
There was a “For Sale” _________ on the car.
He pulled on his ______________ and straddled the motorbike
I ___________ thinking about it.
can't help
I ________________ to loose any of them at this point
can't afford
One passenger became very afraid and agitated, and the flight attendant helped him to ????.
calm down
You need to ???? and then turn right, the police station is next to Sunshine school.
go left/right
Barry is very hungry, but he ____________ buying food because he doesn't have any money on him.
can't afford
I ______________ laughing because of Humphrey's crazy joke.
can't help
Ian Tsai, please ______________. Stop jumping on the bed.
calm down
Barry you shouldn't ______ your pajamas. You are in class.
to have or carry on one's person.
They saw dog ______________ in the mud.
a mark or series of marks left on the ground by the feet of people or animals, or the wheels of machines; trail.
? go through towns and also through the countryside.
a long, narrow course, often with a smooth surface, for vehicles and people to travel on from one place to another
a road
I wear ___________ on my hands when I am cold.
a covering for the hand that has separate parts for each finger and the thumb.
It is dangerous to ride a bicycle without a ?
traffic light
a helmet
Drivers can go when the ____________ is yellow, but they have to be careful.
traffic light
a street or road signal used to tell drivers when to stop or go. The signal changes colors from red to green to yellow.
traffic light
(chiefly British) a painted pathway of black and white stripes across a road that indicates where pedestrians may cross safely.
zebra crossing
a mark or symbol that stands for a word or thing.
a sign