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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I think we ... (not see) Max today because he's ill.
won't see
... the meeting ... at 10 am or at 12 noon? (start)
Does, start
Be careful with the vase. You ... (break) it!
are going to break
What ... (you do) after you ... (finish) your exams?
will you do, finish
When the new animal shelter ... (open), I ... (volunteer) there.
opens, will volunteer
As soon as mum ... (cook) dinner, we ... (set) the table.
cooks, will set
The zookeeper ... (feed) the animals before he ... (clean) their cages.
will feed, cleans
He ... (travel) around Europe after he ... (finish)high school.
will travel, finishes
I ... (play) golf with Andy tomorrow afternoon.
am playing
The football match ... (strat) at 7pm.
We ... (watch) a film at 7:30 at the cinema. Do you want to join us?
are watching
The train to Birmingham ... (leave) at 2:30 from platform 2.
I ... (study) Marketing next year.
am going to study
We ... (not book) a winter holiday this year.
are not going to book
... with your cousins next summer? (you/stay)
Are you going to stay
Look at those clouds! It ... (rain).
is going to rain
... we all ... the same language in the future? (speak)
Will we all speak
Finish your homework. You ...(not go out) with your friends until you do it.
won't go out/will not go out
I'm cold. I ... (turn) the heating on.
will turn
I promise I ... (call) you when I ... (get) home.
will call, get