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Unit 10 Quiz Review
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Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A disadvantage of this form of payment is that failure to repay the amount borrowed could make it harder to obtain this form of payment in the future.
Credit Card
A disadvantage of this form of payment is that your banking information may be compromised if this is lost or stolen.
Debit Card
Advantages of this method of payment are that it can be mailed, and the person receiving it does not have to have a bank account.
Legal tender - currency or coins - that can be used to exchange goods, debt, or service
Payments using electronic means, such as on the Internet, with security features preventing fraud or abuse.
Electronic Payments
A card that is linked to a person's checking account for making bank transactions or purchases.
Debit Card
A card that can be used to borrow money from a bank or store in order to buy goods and services on credit.
Credit Card
A written document instructing a bank to pay the amount of money noted from your account (payor) to a specific person or organization (payee).
The income remaining after deducting taxes and other deductions. Often referred to as "take home" pay.
Net Income
amount of personal income prior to taxes and other deductions.
Gross Income
is an annual tax on the value of real estate and personal property (in some States) assessed annually by a local Tax Collector or Assessor. People can be given a reduction due to if it is a primary residence, age, veteran, etc.
Property Tax
is a tax on purchases, and is usually remitted to the State or local cities and counties.
Sales Tax
Is paid equally by the employer, and then by the employee
Payroll Tax
Is usually deducted from an employee's wages by their employer. The payroll tax falls into two items: (1) Social Security tax (2) Medicare tax.
Payroll Tax
Is a tax imposed by a government, usually a state or the Federal government, directly on income, such as a tax on personal income.
Income Tax
Is used to generate money to pay for things a community will use, such as schools and education, police and fire services, aid services to those less fortunate, the common defense, etc.