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English 3 U20
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was your best trip ever? Tell us about it.
I need to relax on the beach. = _________ is what I need.
Relaxing on the beach
It’s expensive to go on a cruise. = _________________ is expensive.
Going on a cruise
Young children don’t enjoy visiting art museums. = _______________ is boring for young children.
Visiting art museums
This is the best vacation we’ve ever had! - This is the best vacation ______!
Describe a great trip you had.
GOAL 11 Role B
GOAL 11 Role A
One of the most beautiful countries I ____ is Slovenia. a)ever have seen b) have ever seen
b) have ever seen
The day we arrived was a national holiday! Everything was closed and there was ____to eat. a)anywhere b) nowhere
b) nowhere
We don’t know what happened, but I’m sure it was serious. There were police ___ . a) everywhere b)somewhere
a) everywhere
I can’t find my passport ______ ! Have you seen it? a)anywhere b)nowhere
I don’t want to go to the beach this year. Let’s go ____else. a)anywhere b)somewhere
The Grand Canyon is a popular tourist destination. → One of the ____________
most popular tourist destinations is The Grand Canyon.
City Park is a nice place for a picnic. → One of the __________
nicest places for a picnic is City Park.
Can we go scuba diving? That would be exciting. → _______
Going scuba diving would be exciting
Let’s leave earlier. That will give us more time for sightseeing. → ______________
Leaving earlier will give us more time for sighteeing.
It would be faster to drive there. → _______________________ would be faster.
driving there