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Idioms #1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Living in a coed dorm is strange at first, but you get used to it pretty quick.
Correct Dorm means a living quarters usually at University.
I would offer you something to drink, but I have a bunch of soda. Sorry.
Incorrect Bunch means a lot of something.
So my boyfriend just dropped the bombshell on me that he is gay and he wants to break up!
Correct Drop a bombshell means to give suprising or shocking news.
We have just gotten word that the president has been shot. This is breaking news.
Correct Get word means to receive news.
Turn it up please. I love this song! It really bugs me!!
Incorrect Bug means bother or annoy.
This food is really delicious. It suits you!
Incorrect Suit means to look good on you.
Drop everything until you finish the homework you started an hour ago!
Incorrect Drop everything means to stop what you are doing immediately.
Are you guys going downtown? Can I tag along? I don't have any wheels right now and I need to go to the market.
Correct/Correct Tag along means to join others who already have a plan Wheels means a car.
The restaurant is jam packed. There is hardly anybody in there!
Incorrect Jam packed means full to the maximum level.
Hey, can I bum a dollar off of you to buy a snack? I forgot my wallet.
Correct! To bum means to borrow.