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Mind up

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False- Paying attention to what is going on around you helps to calm your body and brain.
True. Sometimes our brain can over react and sends the wrong message to our body.
Describe a happy memory.
Thinking happy thoughts makes you feel happier.
True or False- Being kind is good for your body and mind.
Describe how you feel when you help someone.
Helping spreads happy!!
Mindful or Unmindful- Listening to a story and being able to explain it afterwards.
Mindful or Unmindful- Trying a new food and tasting it before you decide if you like it.
Show me how you stand in tree pose.
Good job.
Show me how you can jump high like Super Mario.
Look at you go!!!!
Show me how you can run on the spot like sonic.
Wow that is fast!!!
Describe the smell of fresh baked cookies.
Now I am getting hungry!!
Describe the taste of a yummy hamburger.
Show us how you would look if you were smelling stinky garbage.
That would be gross
Show us roller coaster breathing.
Good job
Mindful or Unmindful- Trying to do too many things at one time
T/F Hurrying through your work, not paying attention and being silly are Unmindful?
T/F Being focused and present is being mindful.
T/F Exercise is good for your body and brain?
Our neurons join together to make pathways that get stronger as we learn. These pathways are called?
Neural Pathways
How many Neurons do our brains have 100- 1000- 1 Million - 1 Billion- 100 Billion
100 Billion
True or False the best way to learn new things is practice and persevere.
What part of the brain helps calculate, focus and make decisions.
Pre frontal cortex
What part of the brain stores facts and memories?
What part of your brain helps keep you safe?
What is the best way to calm your brain down?
Take deep breaths.