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M7 U14

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you want?
I want ____of _____.
What do they want? (bag / apples)
They need a bag of apples.
WHat do they need? (glass / juice)
They need a glass of juice.
What do your mom and dad want?
They want ______ of___________.
What do you need?
I need ______ of___________.
What do you need?
I need ______ of___________.
What does Peter need?
He needs ________of__________.
What do they want? (cup / corn soup)
They want a cup of corn soup.
WHat does she want? (plate / spaghetti)
SHe wants a plate of sphaghetti.
What does Peter need? (100 / bag / cockroaches)
He needs one hundred bags of cockroaches.
What does Peter want? (can / cola)
He wants a can of cola?
What does she want? (5 / box / chocolate)
She wants five boxes of chocolate.
What does Peter need? (bottle ketchup)
He needs a bottle of ketchup.
what deos she need? (cup / tea)
She needs a cup of tea.
What does he want? (2 / bottle / ketchup)
He wants two bottles of ketchup.
What does he want? (4/cup/coffee)
He wants four cups of coffee.