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Natural Science

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Some animals are omnivores, which means they eat both _____ AND _________.
Plants and animals
Herbivores like giraffes only eat ____________.
Carnivores like lions only eat ____________.
Name one living thing and one non-living thing in this picture?
Living - fish, trees. Non-living - water, air, clouds
Is a duck a vertebrate or an invertebrate?
Is a worm a vertebrate or an invertebrate?
An invertebrate
What type of vertebrate is this black bear?
What type of vertebrate is this?
A fish
What type of vertebrate is an eagle?
A bird
What type of vertebrate is a crocodile?
A reptile
What type of vertebrate is a frog?
An amphibian
Are these stones living or non-living things?
Non-living things
Is this mushroom a living or a non-living thing?
A living thing
Is a whale a vertebrate or an invertebrate?
Is a snail a vertebrate or an invertebrate?
What is the difference between invertebrates and vertebrates?
Vertebrates have a skeleton/backbone and invertebrates do not