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Appraisal Upload - VA

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In Lakewood, when entering the F5 comment (data entry) do we need to email anyone? Y/N
In Lakewood, how many government (4) screens do we need to update?
In EDMS, What category do we need to upload the Invoice Under?
In EDMS, What category do we need to upload the Appraisal Under?
When submitting an invoice in Basware and unable to locate AMC, what (2) things do we need to do?
Create new temporary supplier, request/upload W9
Name (2) tracking items that we update?
Appraisal Order status, DM Appraisal Order, DM Appraisal Follow Up, Appraisal Invoice Forwarded to Accounting
On VA uploads, what should the 12-4 tracking   “DM Appraisal Order” status  be set to?
In what system do we obtain the appraisal document/invoice for VA loans?
VA portal system
On VA uploads, what report do we need to run within Lakewood?
Fraud Guard
On VA uploads where data entry has been completed, what should the 12-4 tracking “DM Appraisal Order” status be set to?
What (2) documents do we need to upload to EDMS?
Appraisal document, Appraisal Invoice