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At the youth club

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They ______ a game with different coloured balls last night.
were playing
was playing
She ____ before the party last night.
was doing craft activities
were doing craft activities
does craft activities
is doing craft activities
What was the dog doing?
It was going scooting.
It was _____ to watch the rocket take off.
I _____ a snack last week when my mom called me.
was making
were making
Last Monday he _____ table football with his friends for two hours.
was playing
is playing
were playing
Yesterday we ____ at the youth club.
For this activity you need a deck of cards and some friends.
play cards
For this activity you must wear a helmet and knee pads but your shoes do not have wheels.
go scooting
For this activity you need a game and some friends. There are many different types of this game. For example: monopoly or chess
play a board game
For this activity you cook delicious food. You can do this alone or in a group.
make a snack
For this activity you can play alone or on teams. You need a special green table, colorful balls, and a special stick.
play pool
For this activity you can use paper, glue, scissors, or paint.
do craft activities
For this activity you need a tv or a computer. You can do this alone or with your friends.
watch a film
For this activity you play against one other person. You need a special table and a very small ball.
play table football
For this activity you read and look at pictures.
read a magazine
For this activity you wear shoes with wheels. You must wear a helmet and knee pads.
go roller skating