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Video game discussion

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Is there an upcoming game you are looking forward to playing? What is it? What do you expect from it?
These days, some gamers make a living from playing video games. Do you think professional gamers are similar to the athletes in other sports? Why or why not?
Are video games addictive? Why can't some people stop playing?
Some video games are very violent. Do you think they influence their players to be violent in real life?
Virtual reality systems are gaining popularity these days. Are you excited about the potential of virtual reality? Or are you worried? Why?
Children enjoy video games. How old should a child be before he or she is allowed to play video games?
Do video games help develop skills?
Have you ever played a video game in an arcade? Are arcades popular in your country?
People play games on computers, phones, consoles and in arcades. On what kind of machine or device to you prefer to play a game?
How much money do you spend on video games? Is it more or less than you spend on other forms of entertainment?
What type of games are good for playing with friends?
What type of games are good for playing alone?
What is your favourite all-time game? Why was it great?
What was the first game you ever played? Where and when did you play it?