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Christian kingdoms

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What were the three groups of Christian society ?
Nobility, clergy, peasants.
When did the Christian conquest end ? (70)
When the Reyes Catolicos occupied Granada
Where did priests, bishops, monks and nuns live ?
In monasteries
True or false: peasants lived in palaces?
What happened in 1492?
The Conquest of Granada
Knights and ladies _________the king and the land (71)
Where did the nobility live ?
They lived in castles
Where did peasants work?
On land
Where did the clergy live ? (71)
In monasteries
Most of the population in Christian society were_____? ¿La mayoría de la población en la sociedad cristiana era _____?
Society in Christian Kingdoms we’re organized into how many groups? Sociedad en Christian Kingdoms estamos organizados en cuantos grupos?
What type of arches did Romanesque style have?
Rounded arches
What type of buildings had large stained glass windows?
What type of style is this building ?
What was the most important building of the city ?(73)
The cathedral
True or false: peasants lives were usually short
What were the peasants houses made of ?
Mud, wood, straw
True or false : in the countryside many people were peasants
True or false: many peasants had their own land?