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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say 5 different ice-cream flavours!
Strawberry, chocolate, lemon...
What is this person?
Bus driver
Where can you see this?
How are they?
How are they?
What is in the classroom? Name 5
Blackboard, desk, chairs...
Where do you eat tacos?
In Mexico
Name 5 different wild animals
Lion, tiger, monkey,...
Name 5 different vegetables
Carrot, cucumber, lettuce,...
The opposite for ugly is...
Can you name these transports?
Name 5 sea animals
Turtle, shark, dolphin...
Where do you eat sausages?
In Germany
Where can you eat falafel?
In Egypt
Where is this flag from?
From Australia
What are the ingredients for a sandwich?
Bread, lettuce, ham...
What is this person?
A pilot
What is the opposite?
Name 5 different fruit
Apple, pear, coconut...
What is this person?
It's a firefighter
Name 5 farm animals
Cow, sheep, horse....
Name 4 different drinks
Water, milk, beer, wine, juice...
What can you see in the bedroom?
Bed, cushion, pillow, window, pictures...
What can you see in the bathroom?
Bath, WC, mirror, towel...
What is it?
It's a balcony