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RE Day 7 / Technology Part 2

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A _________ credit proration is when the seller neglected to cancel their policy and the buyer wants to purchase their own after closing.
In the event someone calls in to cancel their policy because they are moving what should you do?
1) Try to transfer or prorate their existing policy to the new buyer 2) Set up coverage on their new home 3) Transfer them to Retention if they want to CXL
Which smart form is used to transfer funds from one contract to another?
Special Batch Form
You should always _________ the recording because we are a ________ compliant company.
Pause; PCI
What is the name of the option in CCP that generates prepopulated departments?
Quick Connects
In Sales Central where would you go to update a customers payment source?
Accounting followed by Payment Soucre
In the event of an Over Proration what must you request a copy of?
HUD/Closing/Settlement Statement
A Zero Credit Proration refers to instances where there is a credit of less than $_______>
A proration smart form must be completed for which two types of prorations?
Zero Credit & Over Proration
When processing a proration you should always remove what?
The seller's payment source.
Heather Smith called in to prorate her client, Danny Harrington (the seller's) warranty. Upon reviewing it you see Danny is paying monthly and his next payment is due on 7/15. They are set to close on 7/30. Can you prorate today?
No. Not until after his next payment is deducted.
True/False - When setting up a proration you will need to add seller's coverage.
A proration is a _________ amount that is calculated from the ________ unused portion of the existing home service agreement and is then applied toward the purchase of a new home service agreement for the new buyer.
credited; unused
If a Transfer of Ownership is being requested can a seller remove their payment and have the buyer add theirs to resume monthly payments on the new method?
if a representative from the closing company requests/initiates a Transfer of Ownership what document must you request?
Purchase & Sale (signed agreement)
Which parties can request/initiate a Transfer of Ownership?
Seller, Listing Agent, AHS/HSA Field Rep, Closing Company
A __________ is performed when an active agreement is in the system and the seller is offering the remainder of the agreement to the new buyer.
Transfer of Ownership
In which system do you access SmartForms?
What systems do you use your RMI credentials for?
Computer & Microsoft (Teams, Outlook, etc.)
What format is your AHS email/credentials in?