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Present Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Listen carefully.The teacher is teaching / are teaching in front of the class.
is teaching
Hurry up! The bus is coming / are coming.
is coming
is sleeping
.............(They/ study)?
Are they studying?
Tom and Peter..... (not/ play) football.
aren't playing
 Laura.......(make) a cup of tea.
is making
.............(The chef/cook) in the kitchen now ?
Is the chef cooking
I..............(swim) in the pool at this time.
I'm swimming
He.......(drink) a cup of coffee.
is drinking
He......(close) the window
is closing
My mom ....(cut)  meat with a knife now.
is cutting
Anita and John ....(sing) a song at this moment.
are singing
Listen! The phone ....(ring)
is ringing
It.....(not rain)...It....(snowing)
Isn't raining/is snowing
Is it raining outside now ? Yes.....
it is
What........(Laura/ do) ? She..... a newspaper.
Is laura doing/ is reading
.............(We /watch) football match now.
are watching
..........(The dog/run) after the cat now.
is running
.......(They/open) the window at the moment?
Are they opening
.........(Peter/write) a report now?
Is Peter writing