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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did you used to do before but you don't do now?
I used to ____________, but I _______________________.
What did you used to do before but you don't do now?
I used to ____________, but I _______________________.
What did Peter used to do before, but not anymore?
Peter used to_____________, but he doesn't __________ anymore.
What did you used to do before but you don't do now?
I used to ____________, but I don't ________________anymore.
Kathrine / like shopping / not like shopping anymore.
Kathrine used to like shopping, but she doesn't like shopping anymore.
Eric / play soccer everday / plays soccer on Saturdays
Eric used to play soccer everyday, but he plays soccer on Saturdays now.
eat breakfast every morning / not anymore
He used to eat breakfast every morning, but he doesn't eat breakfast every morning anymore.
Joy used to study hard / plays video games
Joy used to study hard, but he plays video games now.
Peter wear a dress everyday / wears a dress on Fridays now
Peter used to wear a dress everyday, but he wears a dress on Fridays now.
drink six cups of coffee / drinks ten cups
He used to drink six cups of coffee, but he drinks ten cups of coffee now.
bite his nails / not anymore
He used to bite his nails, but he does not bite his nails anymore.
waste food / fishes her dinner
She used to wast food, bur she finishes her dinner now.
have a lot of money / is poor
He used to have a lot of money, but he is poor now.
be very fat / is very thin now
He used to be very fat, but he is very thin now.
clean the house every day / cleans the house once a month now
He used to clean the house everyday, but he cleans the house once a month now.
get angry easily/ not anymore
She used to get angry easily, but she does not get angry easily anymore.