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Animals - riddles

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This animal lives in Australia. It can jump.
It's a kangaroo.
This long green animal has got a big mouth and a lot of teeth. It lives in water.
It's a crocodile.
It lives in the desert. It’s got 4 legs and carries water on its back.
It's a camel.
This long animal hasn’t got any legs. It can be dangerous.
It's a snake.
This fat grey animal lives in Africa. It loves water. It’s got a big mouth and big teeth.
It's a hippo.
This is similar to a bear. It is white and black and lives in China. It eats bamboo.
It's a panda.
This tall animal has a very long neck and legs. It lives in Africa and eats leaves.
It's a giraffe.
This big brown cat is the king of animals. It lives in Africa and eats meat.
It's a lion.
This small brown animal loves climbing trees and eating bananas. It lives in Africa and Asia.
It's a monkey.
This fat grey animal lives near cold sea water. It eats fish. It’s got a tail and flippers for swimming.
It's a seal.
This big grey animal lives in the sea, but it isn’t a fish. It’s very intelligent.
It's a dolphin.
This big grey animal lives in Africa and India. It’s got big ears and a long trunk.
It's an elephant.
This black and orange cat lives in Asia. It can climb trees and swim.
It's a tiger.
This animal is big and heavy. It’s grey and It’s got a horn. It lives in Africa.
It's a rhino.
This big white and black bird lives in the artict. It can’t fly.
It's a penguin.
This is similar to a horse. It’s black and white and lives in africa.
It's a zebra.
This enormous grey animal lives in the sea.
It's a whale.